Friday, May 6, 2011

Step 1

Step 1 - Don't be chicken

Try new routines (1), take new classes (2) and discover new ways to be active (3)!

New Routines

Today decided to take a later bus and make some morning time for myself. So I made ice coffee and listened the NPR daily news update while getting ready for work. I was going to take 10 minutes to read, but got foundation on my crisp white shirt, so spent 10 minutes scrubbing the stain with non-Clorox bleach instead. It was a nice thought...

Lessons: it's okay to take a later bus. And, try not to spill on yourself first thing in the morning. And, homemade coffee is delicious.

New Classes

Today is my first day of a first of a 5-part class called "Foundations of Leaderships and Teamwork" at Google through gLearn. This is the first time I've made time for a program like this and this is the objective I shared with the class: "I'm hoping this class will help me get and stay on a path of upward trajectory at Google, where I continue to add value to my teams and co-workers, and where Google continues to add value to my professional and personal life".

discover new ways to be active

My abs hurt when I laugh from kickboxing two days ago. No picture necessary. I added a bunch of group fitness classes to my work calendar as a constant reminder that there's always an option to be active, even during the workday.

See you soon!

* No, not all steps, activities, trials will be numbered, but this seemed like a good place to start :)

a mission for some engaging, energizing, mini fresh starts

Hi Blog Friends,

It's May 2011. Life is San Francisco has been incredible. I know this isn't the only place any of you "follow" me, so no need to fill in the holes, but thanks for tuning in for the fresh start.

I feel the need for a little change. The job is getting a little monotonous, the routine a little grueling, ski season is over. I'm on a mission for some engaging, energizing, mini fresh starts.

So, before I get bored and complacent, I'm going to a try a few new things to bring a little breath back into life and a little wind back into my sails.

I decided I need a space to record activity, obstacles, links to helpful resources and to share the victories. I need you to keep me honest. There are no concrete goals like "I will run the marathon after this" or "I will get promoted and make + $X" and am not fishing for compliments and extensive encouragement. Just knowing you're there, or could be there, listening will make me check-in, update, and motivate.

I'm excited - hope you are too! See you soon! :)