Monday, February 15, 2010

Fisherman's Wharf

Julia Lowd's visit earlier this week was a good excuse to be a tourist in my new city...

Fisherman's Wharf, normally an elbows-out, tourist combat zone, showed off surprisingly well on this sunny mid-February weekday.

We gawked over the copious amounts of dungeness crab (February is crabfest month), oohed and awed over the cable car turnaround where they literally push the car to turn it around and admired flowers in mid-winter bloom.

We were very impressed with the
sourdough artists at the Boudin Bakery

But we couldn't help the feeling that something was missing...

The floating docks of Pier 39 are usually overflowing with the sight (and smell) of barking sealions. However, sometime earlier this winter they all* vaished!

Editors Note: There were a few stragglers there for our viewing pleasure. However, their position (basking directly in the late afternoon sun) was not ideal for photographing and including them would have ruined the story of their mysterious disappearance, thus they have not been pictured here for artistic and dramatic affect.

Fear Not, brave reader! All was not lost. We made a new friend (pictured below) and had a great day...and some delicious sushi** for dinner!!

** For Jessica Popkin, and all other worried Harvardians out there, the sushi was not, nor could it ever be, as good as Takemura lunch sushi with you! Miss you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Takemura, it just hasn't been the same since you've left
